What up, hoes! :')
Yeah I know it took me awhile...but here's a new post! This weekend will be super eventful soo i'll barf a bunch of posts by sunday! :) Stay tuned !
TONIGHT, was Lisa's birthday! Here are some photos of her birthday! (AND MY OUTFIT ;] )

hmm What am i WEARING YOU ASK?!?!
1. Blazer
3.Leather pants :) :) :) :)
Not too formal...not too casual...I guess you can say it was FORSUAL...(or just semi-formal?) haha I DONT KNOW BUT YEAH. I like to layer black most of the times,
here's my little SHPIEL about it! When layering blacks, it looks a lot better if the articles of clothing are of different materials! This way you dont look super goth wearing head to toe cotton black. UNLESS THATS LIKE YOUR SORTA THING! THEN YOU KNOW, GO AHEAD AND WORK IT OUT, GIRL!
Layering different materials adds different layers of textures when in the light. THIS IS GOOD when you're not wearing patterns and just a bunch of solids! This way you're outfit isn't so blan and boring! so LAYER black, but layer with different materials of black for a little ZIIINGG! For instance, My cotton blazer with my PLEATHER PANTS! THAT SAYS ZIIINGG my brethens! ZINGGGG!
Yeah so This post is dedicated to my new leather pants. I SHOULD SAY PLEATHER ACTUALLY. Yeah too scared to wear real leather. PETA is gonna get all up in that. hide in a bush and jump out, ambush me, and spray paint me :( So yeah pleather.... save animals everyone... ... ... or else.. you will be spray painted :(

Also, I'm back in my "studs" phase! Can't get enough of em! Here's a close up of my pleather pants and studded belt. (Yeah, i know. A stud is missing but whatevs you get the point).

"I just want to travel around the world and sleep with really good looking people."
-Lady Gaga
hahah yeah so that's all for now! I promise an explosion of amazing stuff soon! I just finished sewing new clothes! SOOO I'm really excited about that and I'll post them soon! I promise!
Stay sexy, everyone. C'est si bon!
-kev ng